Movement by MK

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What I've Learned In The Last Decade

Wow! 10 years … where did the time go? For me, it honestly flew! I’ve done a lot over these last 10 years and I’ve also learned A LOT! Let’s take a peek!

  • Quit playing Divison 1 volleyball, transferred to Miami of Ohio, and graduated!

  • Experienced a break up that left me broken for years

  • Moved to Chicago, rented my first apartment, and started my first big girl job in market research sales aka dialing for dollars!

  • Started a new relationship which taught me I am good enough. I am pretty. I am meant to be loved.

  • Landed my dream job with Stryker

  • Moved to Scottsdale, Arizona knowing no one and re-started my life

  • Learned to be alone and independent by myself

  • Started my journey with Froyotofitness and Kayla Itsines

  • Became an Aunt

  • Was a bridesmaid

  • Got broken up with out of the blue after 3 years and never spoke again

  • Lived the single life of going on awkward first dates and realizing there are nice humans out there

  • Got promoted within my company and moved back to Chicago

  • Got back together with my high school sweet heart

  • Started FTF as a business

  • Hosted community events

  • Quit working for Stryker and started my new role

  • Bought my first home

  • Expanded my FTF community and cultivated new friendships and relationships

Though the list can go on all of these moments taught me so much about life and so much about myself! If there’s anything I can take away its’s the following:

  • Know your self-worth … at the end of the day if we don’t have self-worth we don’t have anything in our friendships, relationships, or work place … you need to know you are CAPABLE, VALUABLE, and MEANT TO BE LOVED and RECOGNIZED!

  • Always ask … this is blunt but the reason I get what I want so often is because I ASK. If you don’t ask the ANSWER IS ALWAYS NO. I’ve heard NO hundreds of times in this lifetime, but when I hear NO I continuously come back and ask again or I understand why the answer is no and how I can make it YES!

  • You are the prize … back to self-worth know that you’re enough. If a man is not calling you back, answering your texts, or ONLY calling you on his watch HE IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME and IS NOT INTERESTED - MOVE ON!

  • Just start … there’s always going to be a million reasons WHY you cannot do something, but YOU HAVE TO START! There’s no perfect time to start a weight loss journey, a new job, relocate, start a relationship you name it but if you do NOT START or TRY you will NEVER KNOW!

  • Do more of what you love… TIME IS VALUABLE and the ONLY THING WE CAN NOT GET BACK! Spend it wisely. If you do not want to be in a dark bar at 4am then say NO! If you do not want to go to coffee then say NO. If your hobby is knitting, start hanging out with people who do that perhaps by going to a class. Or you want to get more fit … try spending more time with people who go to workout classes. The more you do what you love the more opportunities will present themselves in that arena!

  • Let things go… sadly some things just need to go. It sucks and it hurts, but what is meant for you will not pass you by. Friendships, relationships, anything that IS NOT SERVING you needs to go! We do not have time to be dragged down.

  • You are the creator… There is no such thing as I CAN’T … every day we wake up we get the CHANCE, the OPPORTUNITY, to do whatever we WANT in this life. We can sit there and be complacent, make excuses, let life happen or WE CAN BUILD THE LIFE WE WANT! STOP DREAMING, START CREATING!

As I look back all I can think about is how much gratitude I have for every moment, every mistake, every opportunity as it led me to where I am today! I feel a power within myself every single day to create the life I am meant to live. I can feel it and I know you can too! Any day you are having self-doubt just remember one of these tidbits as I hope it inspires, motivates, and reminds you that it’s YOUR TIME, YOU ARE LIMITLESS!